brendon mcconnell

I am an Associate Professor in the Economics Department at City, University of London. My core research focus is on the economics of crime. I am also interested in other areas of applied micro — I currently have work in the areas of both family and environmental economics. Here is my CV and here is my office hour booking link for students.

working papers

selected active projects

  • House Prices and Homicides, joint with Corrado Giulietti [mid-way]

  • An Alternative Approach to Measuring Assortative Matching, sole-authored [mid-way]

  • The Changing Relationship Between Crime and Deprivation, sole-authored [mid-way]

  • Measuring The Social Costs of Homicides Using Subjective and Objective Measures, joint with Arpita Ghosh and Corrado Giulietti [mid-way]

older working papers

Revise & Resubmit

Journal Articles

Book Chapters


Reading: really enjoyed Grace Blakeley's Vulture Capitalism, which made me realise I never got through Naomi Klein's Shock Doctorine. Similar vibes.
Riding: right now a Ribble one-two: r872 for the hills and hybrid AL for commuting. The hybrid is way more fun to ride than it looks.
Doing: trying to do enough gardening to justify my niwaki gear
Cooking: still loving Madhur Jaffrey
Listening to [music-wise]: the new Four Tet -- three
Listening to [podcast-wise]: can't get enough of Rick Rubin's tetragrammaton podcast right now. Super eclectic, quite long, totally amazing.


email: brendon dot mcconnell at city dot ac dot uk